
mardi 30 septembre 2014

How to Recognize If One Needs Help With Emotional Struggles

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As humans, everyone goes through major life transformations. Human experiences coupled with the way the mind works allows some to breeze through these experiences while others struggle along. Trauma, past experiences, hormones or even the state of mental stability or fragility can cause some things, which one would ordinarily handle with ease, a sudden or on-going struggle. When this happens many turn to various forms of counselling for assistance getting them through.

Counselling is available in many forms. From counselling for a specific problem such as marriage and grief counselling to counselling for general anxiety or disorders there is some type tailored to fit the needs of anyone. Recognizing that one needs help and seeking that help out is the first step on the road to recovery or to smooth over a rough patch in the bumpy road of life.
Many may be ashamed to admit they need help but this will only hinder their healing process. Being open and honest about struggles in a great coping mechanism and has been shown to be extremely beneficial to those on their road to recovery. Talking with a counselor is often the first step, however friends and family are often more sympathetic and therapeutic than one may think. A counselor can assist those struggling with ways to talk to their loved ones and encourage them as well as show them how to open up to those around them.
If someone is questioning if they need help with their emotional or personal struggles than the answer is probably that they do. Often being able to recognize an inconsistency within one's self, is a clear indication that the problem may be better off in the hands of a professional who can guide the person through the process. However there are other signs that may indicate that someone needs to seek help with or through their emotional or personal struggles.
One of the first signs that help needs to be sought is a variation of normal patterns of behavior that seem unexplained or out of the ordinary. Everyone struggles with some sort of rut from time to time but when that rut seems to be going on for an extended period of time or it is interfering with the person's ability to cope with everyday life than it may be time to seek outside help. Often these can follow directly after a particularly traumatizing experience such as the end of a relationship or death of a loved one, but sometimes it can be several weeks or months later. Either way this person can only benefit from seeking counselling.
Other types of behavior that may indicate a need for counselling can include erratic or dangerous behavior either directed towards oneself or others. Often one struggling through a traumatic experience will not understand that the behavior is dangerous or affecting those around them. Urging them to seek help can benefit them greatly and may ultimately save their lives.
Overeating or refusing to eat could also be an indication of a larger problem. Often behavior has spiraled out of control and so in an attempt to control something one may quit eating or begin a drastic or dangerous diet that could be detrimental to their health.Overeating or binge eating may be that person's attempt to mask their feelings when they are feeling out of control as well.
Often times others can be affected by the behavior of those around them. Seeking counseling to repair these relationships is just as an important step towards recovery as seeking counselling themselves. Seeking marriage counselling or family therapy can ensure these relationships are repaired before they are completely destroyed.
London Therapy Foundation was began on the premises to provide mental health therapy and care services to London and the surrounding areas. They understand the need for therapy and counselling across a broad spectrum of individuals and work hard to ensure all get the assistance they need. They offer a referral program to get each and every one of their clients the resources they need on their road to recovery and well-being. They also provide a place for therapists to connect with others in their field and beyond to ensure they are providing their patients with the best care possible. Visit them at for a complete list of their services.

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Benzene Is Everywhere - Don't Let It Zap Your Health

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Expert Author Rex Murphy
Benzene is a chemical used in a variety of industrial applications to produce plastic, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, pesticides, food preservatives and more. Benzene is also present in crude oil, gas, diesel, etc. Benzene is also released in the smoke from forest fires. Some of our largest exposures to benzene come from petroleum products, such as our use of plastics, tobacco smoke and every time we fill up at the gas station.
In our homes, any time we heat plastic, breathe tobacco smoke, eat food with sodium benzoate or benzene related preservatives, breathe fumes from cleaning supplies and fragrances, we're most likely getting a dose of benzene. And believe it or not, smog and air pollution in cities from industry puts a lot of benzene in the air, too, which is brought in by our air conditioner systems. So most of us have been getting a fairly consistent dose of benzene on a daily basis for quite a while and it's no wonder that our immune systems seem to get weaker, not stronger, and that various illnesses seem to be constantly on the rise.

What does benzene do? Well, one big problem is of course the effect on the immune system, specifically that it quickly ends up in the thymus gland after it enters our system through the air, food or skin and causes white blood cells to stop their normal phagocytic action of getting rid of biological 'intruders'. (look up Hulda Clark and benzene on Google for a more in-depth explanation). And some of the other big problem is cancer, but benzene has also been shown to cause myeloid leukemia, aplastic anemia, low birth weight for babies, and more.
Clearly, benzene isn't a good thing to have in your body. So how can we avoid and get rid of benzene? Here are a few tips:
  1. Don't use products or eat food with benzene compounds in them-in most cases you can just read the labels.
  2. Avoid bars or other smoky environments
  3. Don't heat plastic dishes in the microwave and eat from them
  4. Avoid drinking water from plastic bottles that have been sitting in hot car for hours
  5. Stand away from the car a little when filling your gas tank so that you don't smell or breathe the fumes.
  6. Those that are sick or want to get rid of benzene internally may want to investigate benzene chelation therapies to remove it from the body
  7. Use quality activated carbon air filter to absorb and get rid of benzene in the air of your home or office.
That last one is important. As mentioned above, a fair amount of benzene pollution comes to us through indoor air pollution, which is made worse by outdoor air pollution, smog, etc. The good news is that quality activated carbon absorbs benzene very well, so by using a portable air cleaner with a substantial amount of activated charcoal in the filters (I.e. 5-10 pounds or more), you can at least take the benzene out of the air you're breathing in your home, room or office.
One key thing to keep in mind about using air cleaners with activated carbon filters is this: you must replace those carbon filters regularly because carbon does become saturated. Once it's 'full', it doesn't trap the chemicals anymore and the air cleaner is simply giving extra circulation to the chemical pollutants in the air--not good. Just follow the replacement schedule recommended by the manufacturer, or replace when you notice that odors aren't being removed very well. And of course, if you don't have an air cleaner with activated carbon, you might want to consider buying one.
I hope this article helps you avoid the unhealthy effects of benzene pollution an helps you and your family live a better, healthier life. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us in the author box below.

Hi, I'm Rex Murphy, Sales Manager at Air Purifiers and We regularly write articles like this one to provide information on how to live better, healthier lives breathing clean air and avoiding common household pollutants.
We sell the best activated carbon air purifiersreplacement charcoal air cleaner filters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and many other products for home and industrial air quality improvement--all at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping every day due to our extremely low overhead.
Call our experts today and get answers at 1-800-701-2513. We are here to help!
Air Purifiers and
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5 Steps to Get Healthier NOW

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Expert Author Natalie Canizares
If you are like most people when you think about change you focus on all of the things that need to happen at once and you become overwhelmed by this. It is likely if you are already feeling overwhelmed before you've actually made any changes that you will not succeed in whatever it is that you are trying to change and you will give up because it is just "too hard" or "impossible". It is really easy to live in this mindset. In fact this is the default mindset for a great deal of people. This doesn't mean most people are failures, it means that most people are capable of SO MUCH MORE than they give themselves credit for. I find that a lot of the people I meet and work with feel like they can't get healthier or have their ideal bodies or lives because there are just too many things that they would need to do in order to achieve this. I am always excited to share this tip: when we break up big goals into small action steps you will be taking clear steps towards accomplishing your goal.

So today I want to share with you five very simple steps you can take right now to start being a healthier and happier you.
1. Drink Up! I know you hear it all of the time but there is nothing more important than drinking enough water for your health. Your body is made up of 75% water and most people are not drinking enough to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day. If you find it challenging to drink plain water, watch my YouTube video of how to make your water more exciting by clicking here. Always bring a water bottle with you when you are on the go! And don't forget to drink water first thing in the morning (hint: adding lemon to your water makes it alkaline and oh so delicious)
2. Swap Out - If you have a habit of eating refined sugar, salty snacks, or drinking too much alcohol, find a way to swap one of your bad habits out each day. Instead of reaching for the candy bar at 3pm, remind yourself to swap it out! Reach for an apple that will give you fiber and sustainable energy. If you immediately come home from work and crack open a beer or poor a glass of wine, start with a glass of water or sparkling water. I'm not telling you to give up your treats, just to find places where you can have less of them. This will make a huge change in the way you look and feel. Be patient and remember to swap it out!
3. Mix Up Your Workout - If you are already working out regularly, that's awesome! If not, don't worry you're still awesome, but let's get you moving. Whether you are coming from no exercise or a non stop workout regimen, it's important to mix it up. Trying something new will help you connect to your body more deeply. This connection is so important because the stronger it gets the more powerful you become. When you truly become connected to your internal body it becomes much easier to know when you are hungry, when you need rest, and to observe cravings and realize where they are coming form and why. I urge you to physically get out of your comfort zone at least once a week. Even if you are trying something in your living room, just do it! You will be glad you did.
4. Make Your Veggies the Main Star of Your Plate - This one is huge! If you can choose one meal a day to focus on your vegetables you will start to see and feel results quickly. Cooked veggies, raw veggies, roasted veggies, I don't care what veggies they are just eat them. We have lived in a world where the meat and rice (or some variation on that) are the main part of the meal. When in reality the vegetables should be. You don't have to be a vegetarian to eat a lot of veggies! Make 80% of your plate be filled with veggies at least one meal a day, and the other 20% can be any other (whole) food of your choice. If you need some ideas check out my recipes or my Instagram for veggie inspired meals!
5. Get Some Sleep! This, like drinking more water, is said often. It is so important that I can't make a list about getting healthier without it. Create space in your life for rest and regeneration. If this means that you have to cut out one t.v. show, so be it. Getting enough sleep will help your body function properly, it will help your metabolism work optimally, keep you from prematurely aging, and keep you from having cravings. People are more likely to eat junk food the day after they have little sleep than after a night of good sleep. Every body is different so get to know how many hours you need, and commit.

Try these five things today and see how different you feel. None of these steps are crazy extreme, you are completely capable of achieving all of them. These are simple attainable steps that will help you take a large stride in the direction of health and happiness.
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Population Health Management Engages Stakeholders to Improve Wellness

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Expert Author Anna Woodward
Healthcare is a topic that has inspired serious debate over the last few years. However, one of the few points on which nearly everyone can agree is that the treatment of chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity is costly and puts a strain on doctors and hospitals. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control report that more than 75 percent of healthcare spending is on individuals with one or more chronic conditions. One way in which the medical community is attempting to address this growing problem is through population health management.
Medical professionals define population health management differently. Most agree its goal is to deliver care in a safe, clinical, and cost effective manner through the application of strategies and interventions to defined groups. The system is driven by raw clinical data collected from patient records. Doctors use the information they collect in order to identify and treat patients before they require acute care.

The principles of population health management seem abstract to anyone outside of the medical community. Experts often use the case of type II diabetes to illustrate the concept. Payers, providers, and government organizations all have reason to be concerned about this chronic problem. The condition affects approximately 25.8 million Americans, or 8.3 percent of the population. Approximately 7 million have not been diagnosed. Additionally, approximately 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes. This condition is the seventh leading cause of death in the US and is the leading cause of kidney failure, limb amputations, and new cases of blindness.
Controlling the costs associated with diabetes involves managing the disease. Management requires the use of measurable data, such as hemoglobin A1c levels, weight, carbohydrate intake, and exercise. Medical professionals can employ these techniques with diabetes patients by establishing an enterprise data warehouse and applying analytic tools. The data collected can be used to find patients who are not up-to-date on tests, identify the patients at highest risk for high cholesterol, hypertension or heart disease, identify patients who may benefit from outreach, and measure the success of interventions.
Population health management also plays a role in reducing employer costs. The Affordable Care Act allow employers to offer incentives to employees who participate in early detection, prevention, or wellness programs. Hospitals and employers can work together to collect data in order to target employees with a preventable condition. Employers can offer coaching or incentives at work in order to encourage employees to participate. Cash bonuses, a reduced insurance premium, or a larger contribution to a health savings account can all be offered in order to encourage employees to make lifestyle changes, undergo screenings, or visit primary care physician on a regular basis.

Regardless of one's opinion on the state of the American medical system, everyone should agree that the system is better off when preventable, expensive diseases can be treated early. Population health management engages stakeholders to work together to improve individual wellness as well as the system as a whole.
When researching population health management, Birmingham residents visit Influence Health. Learn more about this procedure at
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