
jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Dose of measles virus destroys woman's incurable cancer

In what they describe as a proof of principle study, doctors in the US were able to keep a woman with deadly multiple myeloma - an incurable bone marrow cancer - free of all signs of living cancer cells for over 6 months by giving her just one high dose of measles virus.
Two patients received a single intravenous dose of measles virus that was engineered to kill myeloma plasma cells and not harm other cells.
The team, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, says both patients responded to the treatment, showing reduced bone marrow cancer and levels of myeloma protein.
But one patient, a 49-year-old woman, experienced complete remission and remained disease-free for over 6 months.
A report on this first study to establish the feasibility of the treatment appears in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Proof virotherapy works for disseminated cancer

First author Dr. Stephen Russell, hematologist and co-developer of the therapy, says:
"This is the first study to establish the feasibility of systemic oncolytic virotherapy for disseminated cancer. These patients were not responsive to other therapies and had experienced several recurrences of their disease."
The treatment is an example of oncolytic virotherapy - using engineered viruses to fight cancer - an approach that dates back to the 1950s. Thousands of patients have received this type of therapy, using oncolytic viruses from various families, including common cold viruses, herpes viruses and pox viruses.
But the authors say this is the first well-documented case of a patient with cancer that has spread experiencing complete remission at all disease sites after receiving oncolytic virus therapy.
The video below details the patient's treatment and remission:
Myeloma is a cancer that develops in plasma cells - a type of blood cell made in the bone marrow. According to the American Cancer Society, the disease is relatively uncommon, and in the US, there is a 1 in 149 risk of developing it.
Myeloma can arise in any part of the body where there is bone marrow, including the spine, rib cage and pelvis.Multiple myeloma means it is occurring in more than one place.
The disease, which also causes skeletal or soft tissue tumors, usually responds to drugs that stimulate the immune system, but it eventually overcomes them and is rarely cured.

First use of highest possible dose of engineered measles virus

Dr. Russell and colleagues explain in their article that they chose to report these two cases in particular because they were the first patients they had studied who had received the highest possible dose, and with limited previous exposure to measles, so their immune systems did not have many antibodies to the virus. They had also exhausted other treatment options.
Senior author Dr. Angela Dispenzieri, an expert in multiple myeloma, says in very simple terms, the measles virus makes the cancer cells join together and explode. The treatment also appears to trigger another lasting benefit:
"There's some suggestion that it may be stimulating the patient's immune system to further recognize the cancer cells or the myeloma cells and help mop that up more effectively than otherwise."
Having effectively completed a phase I clinical trial - to prove the concept that the measles virus can fight cancer - the team is now moving quickly into a phase II trial involving more patients.
They also intend to test the virus's effectiveness as a tool to fight other cancers, such as head and neck, brain andovarian cancers and mesothelioma. And they are engineering other viruses that may be able to kill cancer cells.
Dr. Russell says they have recently started to think along the lines of "a single shot cure for cancer, and that's our goal with this therapy."
He and two other authors of the study, as well as the Mayo Clinic, have declared a financial interest in the methods used in the study, which was funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Al and Mary Agnes McQuinn, The Harold W. Siebens Foundation and The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation.
Medical News Today recently reported on a study in Nature Genetics, where scientists from The Institute of Cancer Research in the UK found a gene involved in aging is linked to multiple myeloma. The team said the discovery brings the total genetic variants linked to myeloma to seven and may help establish the genetic causes of the disease.

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lundi 6 octobre 2014

Do You Need Vein Surgery? Symptoms And Treatment Of Vascular Issues

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Expert Author Abigail Aaronson
Most people think of varicose and spider veins as discouraging, unattractive skin blemishes and little else. However, if untreated, these obtrusive marks can lead to serious health and skin problems, and even painful ulcers. Research has led doctors to discover that they can actually be symptoms of a serious illness called vein disease. In order to educate the public on the facts and the various treatment options, here are the basics to help you determine if vein surgery is right for you.

The varicose ones are often unnoticeable at first. Over time, they will begin to grow and bulge through the skin, appearing bluish-purple. In addition to the discoloration, they are most commonly identified by their ropy, knotted appearance. Recognizing these early is the key to their treatment. If left unattended, they can lead to pain and a general feeling of heaviness. Eventually, the skin can even become numb.
The spider variety is similar to varicose in many ways, only smaller. They received their name for the scattered pattern they generally form, which looks like a spider web. Occasionally just a dermatological issue, these reddish blotches can signal something more serious. If this is the case, a vein surgery consultation should be sought out immediately.
Heredity plays a major role in vascular disease, as 50% of women and 40% of men suffer from varicose and/or spider veins. It is believed that hormones are a key factor, which leaves women more vulnerable during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause. Birth control and hormone supplements also increase the risk for women. Pregnant mothers must pay special attention during the first trimester, when blood volume and hormone levels are higher. This can make veins enlarged, therefore, increasing the danger. Obesity, leg injury, and jobs that require long periods of standing are also significant risk factors.
Another frequent, yet misunderstood vascular disease is rosacea. This is a disorder that affects facial skin, causing an acne-like effect on the face. There are a number of early symptoms that, if understood, can help determine whether or not treatment can help. These symptoms include irritated or watery eyes, redness on the chin, nose, forehead, or cheeks, visible blood vessels on the face, and facial pimples or bumps. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease, but it can be effectively treated. Talk to a vein surgery specialist should you encounter any combination of these symptoms on a regular basis.
Vascular disease can cause a myriad of problems for those who suffer from these frustrating afflictions. Pain, swelling, and inflammation can make walking and standing a significant burden. In addition to the extreme discomfort, the psychological consequences can dramatically affect a person's life. Many who suffer from rosacea and vein problems report lower self-esteem related to their condition. Those polled said that their symptoms prompted them to cancel social events and avoid situations that required interacting with others. If you suffer from these issues, or recognize any of the symptoms in yourself or someone you love, know there is help available. Talk to your doctor immediately about how vein surgery can alleviate both the physical and emotional discomfort.
For more information about vein surgery, New Jersey residents can visit

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dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Hydrotherapy Water Treatment - A Nessecity for Overall Good Health

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The use of water is one of the most ancient remedies used for overcoming disease. As early as 400 b.c, Hippocrates, who is considered by modern medical science to be the 'The father of Medicine' prescribed hot and cold water as a treatment to help people recover from their ailments.
Natural remedies combined with hydrotherapy are more effective in restoring health than all the drug medication in the world. However keep in mind that the use of water can accomplish but little if it is not combined with the appropriate diet and staying well hydrated by drinking copious amounts of water throughout the day. Disease does not exist without some kind of disturbance in the circulation. The efficacy of herbs is diminished if blood is not circulating properly. Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation. Raising and lowering temperature of the body through hydrotherapy will help break up congestion and facilitate elimination and improve circulation. Cold water stimulates and hot water relaxes. Together, they are like a universal pump that makes blood flow.
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It is through the skin that hydrotherapy produces its powerful physiologic actions. the skin is intimately connected to every organ in the body via the nervous system and circulatory system. By changing the skin temperature with water applications that are hot or cold, nerve sensations will stimulate or sedate specific systems or organs. But remember that this is a process that must be done faithfully and continuously to get desired results. Take a hot shower for 3-5 minutes followed immediately by a cold shower for 30 seconds. Alternate between hot shower and cold shower 5 times. Always end with cold shower. Before each shower or bath, dry brush the skin with a stiff brush until the skin is rosy and warmed. Brush stroking towards the heart region. When contrast showers are done properly, it is said that there is a decided increase in the number of blood cells in the peripheral circulation. This increase often amounts to 20-25% in the red blood cells and from 200-300% in the white blood cells. The hemoglobin also shows an increase of 5% or more. Hydrotherapy can increase circulation by 400%
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Try this contrast shower for 30days continuously. With hydrotherapy, every treatment extends and builds on the benefits of the previous one. In critical cases hydrotherapy should be done twice a day and focus the treatment on the afflicted body part. Taking a steam bath at home is excellent. in serious sicknesses, have a steam bath daily until you are recovered. Sit on a small stool, covered with a blanket, from the neck to the feet, . Place a basin of boiling water between your feet. Replace the water as it cools with more hot water. Maintain this position for twenty minutes. End with a cold shower for 1-2 minutes. As I said earlier, the key to the success of hydrotherapy is patience and continuity. REMEMBER GOOD HEALTH IS A CONTINUOUS HABIT NOT AN EVENT.
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Hydrotherapy treatment has been an age old method for treatment of several diseases The skin is considered to play the role of a third kidney. The average healthy person eliminates about 1g of waste material daily through the pores of the skin. People who engage in rigorous physical activity eliminate an even greater amount. it is important to keep the pores open and clean by daily bathing. A neglect of this will induce disease. hydrotherapy bathing makes the body muscles more flexible, the mind and body are invigrating. You can get more information by visiting

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What to Expect at Your Hearing Aid Fitting

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Expert Author Andrea Avery
It's time for you to revisit the audiologist for your hearing aid fitting. If you're not quite sure what to expect out of this visit, here is a list of things you're likely to go over with your doctor during the appointment.
Plan for a Long Appointment
It's important to provide ample time in your schedule for this appointment. Each person is different. The actual hearing aid fitting is a very important part of the whole process. Your audiologist will need to specifically fit it to your physical features and test for the correct audio level. This can take time, so you should plan for your visit to take at least one hour.
How It Fits
As mentioned above, each person has different physical features. In order to get the maximum effect out of your device, it has to be fitted properly. Not only will a well-fitted aid be comfortable, but it will also help lengthen the life of the device.
How It Sounds
Once the device has been properly fitted, your audiologist will check the sound. Here you'll be able to provide feedback on how the hearing aid sounds and how it should be adjusted to meet your specific needs. The results of your audiology exam will help determine the right settings as well as any specific hearing requirements you have in your everyday life.
Customize Preferences
Most hearing aids come with a list of special preferences that can be set for specific needs. As mentioned above, if you have any special hearing requirements you should discuss them with your doctor so the preferences can be set to benefit you the most.
Proper Care and Maintenance
Once the aid has been properly fitted and sounds good, your doctor will likely discuss product maintenance and care. Some parts of the device naturally yellow and deteriorate over time, so it's important to come in regularly to replace them. Proper maintenance will also include cleaning instructions as well as how to troubleshoot any problems that may arise.
Questions and Follow-up Appointment
At the end of the appointment, you'll be given a chance to ask any questions you may have regarding your new hearing device. Take advantage of this opportunity and ask about calling the office if you have any questions later. Your doctor will also take this time to schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure you're adjusting well.
After the Appointment
The time that comes between your first and follow-up appointment is an important time to get to know your device and assess its functionality. Take notes on how the settings are working or if they need to be adjusted. Bring these notes with you to your follow-up appointment and make sure they are addressed.
While they can't replace natural hearing abilities, a hearing aid fitting can help compensate, allowing you to live your life normally without the stress or hassle of impaired hearing.

Bay City, MI residents turn to Bay Area Hearing for effective and personalized hearing aid fittings. Learn more at

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samedi 4 octobre 2014

Can't Keep the Weight Off? Bariatric Surgery May Be Your Solution

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Expert Author Andrea Avery
Are you more than 100 pounds overweight? Do you struggle to lose weight and keep it off? Do you also suffer from, diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea, heart disease, infertility, or high blood pressure? There are currently around 15 million Americans who suffer from obesity. You are not alone and there is a solution: bariatric surgery.
These surgeries treat morbid obesity and medical conditions and diseases caused by obesity. The goal of the surgery is to limit the amount of food that the stomach can hold. This is achieved by surgically reducing the capacity of the stomach to a few ounces. Patients who are looking to get one of these procedures should have a body mass index of 40 or more. A patient with a body mass index of 35 or more can also be considered if the procedure is for the treatment of an obesity-related disease. These surgeries have been proven to resolve or at least 30 obesity-related diseases and conditions including, sleep apnea, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension.
There are three common types of bariatric surgery: laparoscopic roux or a gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, and vertical sleeve gastrectomy. A gastric bypass procedure reduces the patient's stomach from roughly the size of a football to the size of a golf ball. The smaller stomach is then attached to the middle of the patient's small intestine to bypass the section of intestine that absorbs the most caloric content (the duodenum). Post-surgery patients not only eat less due to their tiny stomachs, but also absorb fewer calories.
The laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding procedure involves the wrapping of a saline filled band around the upper section of the patient's stomach. This process creates a small pouch and restricts the organ. Post-procedure patients eat less food because the sensation of fullness occurs more quickly. The size of the patient's stomach can be adjusted post-procedure by adding or subtracting saline from the band.
The vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a newer procedure that has recently emerged. There have yet to be any published studies on the long-term results of the procedure, although the initial studies look promising. This process involves removing 85 percent of the patient's stomach, leaving behind a stomach that is shaped like a sleeve.
While these procedures sound like they may be dangerous, the federal government reports that the risk of death as a result of these surgeries is less than on tenth of a percent. On top of this, compared to other obese patients who opt not to get one of these procedures, morbidly obese patients who have bariatric surgery increase their life spans. Patients of these procedures can expect an 89 percent increase in their life expectancy.
On average these procedures cost around $17-25,000. Insurance coverage of these surgeries varies based on your provider, so if you are considering a bariatric surgery, get in touch with your insurance to see how much they will cover in your case.
When considering batriatric surgery, Michigan residents visit St. Mary's of Michigan. Learn more about this procedure at

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